We’ve all been there! You come home after dental scaling and realise you have trouble drinking cold or hot beverages. This short sharp sensation that you are feeling in your teeth is called sensitivity. It is a dental issue that you may experience after scaling or deep cleaning.
But don’t worry as Dr. Aishwarya, the best dentist in Patna, is here to help you. She is known in Patna for her world-class dental expertise and effective treatment. This committed dental expert loves to share valuable tips that keep the patient’s oral health in check.
This blog is also an example of her commitment and effort to make Patnaites free of dental diseases. Today, she is going to share her expert recommendations on how to reduce teeth sensitivity after scaling. So, without any further ado, let’s start with the tips you should follow to reduce the issue of sensitive teeth after scaling.
How to Reduce Teeth Sensitivity After Scaling? 4 Tips by Dr. Aishwarya
Dental scaling is one of the best treatments to attain a healthier and brighter smile. But as teeth sensitivity follows along with it, many people hesitate while opting for this treatment.
If you are one of them, don’t despair as some ways can help reduce sensitive teeth after scaling.
Listed below are 4 of those scaling aftercare tips Dr. Aishwarya suggests dental care patients to ease discomfort:
1. Rinse with Lukewarm Saltwater
There are several tips on how to relieve sensitivity after teeth cleaning, but the most economical one is lukewarm saltwater rinse. This is because saltwater works as a disinfectant that helps heal inflamed gums. Put a pinch of salt into a glass of warm water and use it to rinse your mouth.
This can also help ease the sensations that may arise due to inflamed, swollen or tender gums caused by the inept use of dental tools. That’s why it’s crucial to seek scaling treatment from an experienced professional who has a thorough understanding of the procedures and scaling tools.
Dr. Aishwarya, an experienced dentist in Patna, can provide superior care to make getting a scaling treatment done a breeze. If the dental scaling procedure is performed under the supervision of experts like Dr. Aishwarya, it doesn’t result in sensitivity or damaged gums.
2. Adjust Your Diet
If you wish to avoid teeth sensitivity weeks after cleaning, focus on adjusting your diet. Eating to satisfy your cravings can be risky after dental scaling. Try to avoid certain types of foods like extremely hot and cold beverages.
Dr. Aishwarya also advices against carbonated drinks after the procedure as they can worsen the toothache. Similarly, sugary foods can also have a bad impact on your teeth sensitivity. This is why you must opt for sugar-free soft and lighter foods.
Dr. Aishwarya understands the importance of diet in reducing sensitivity, and that’s why she always gives professional advice to patients to correct their dietary habits.
3. Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush
The type of toothbrush you use also plays a huge role in controlling sensitivity.
If you are already suffering from tooth sensitivity after scaling, using a hard-bristled toothbrush can worsen your condition. They scratch your sensitive gums leading to more sensitivity and pain.
Replace your toothbrush with a new one that has soft bristles. Also, Dr. Aishwarya suggests that you don’t brush too harshly if your teeth feel sensitive after scaling. It can affect the gums negatively and increase the sensitivity.
Additionally, hard brushing can wear off the enamel which is the outer protective layer of teeth. This exposes your dentin which gives rise to numerous issues like sensitivity.
4. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene
Scaling or deep cleaning can indeed give you a brighter and healthier smile. But bacteria can ruin your new smile by accumulating around teeth and gums. This will eventually lead to sensitivity or make the existing gum sensitivity after scaling worse. That’s why it’s crucial to maintain good oral hygiene after the procedure.
Dr. Aishwarya strongly supports the practice of brushing and flossing twice a day to keep your mouth free of bad oral bacteria. However, remember that the gums in your mouth are soft tissue. So, don’t brush too hard and opt for a gentle approach. Also, try to be consistent in your brushing habits if you wish to avoid sensitivity after scaling treatment.
So, these were some tips on how to reduce teeth sensitivity after scaling. With these tips, your teeth sensitivity will surely not last very long.
You can always rely on the expert care of Dr. Aishwarya to seek further guidance and dental care tips if the sensitivity doesn’t go away.
How Long are Teeth Sensitive After Scaling?
We know that teeth sensitivity after scaling is common, but it is not that severe. The tingling sensation you are feeling should not last for more than a week.
If the sensitivity or any other kind of discomfort lasts for more than one week, you must report it to the dentist. This is because it can be initial signs of underlying issues that may demand quick medical attention.
You can visit Dr. Aishwarya’s dental clinic to get rid of any discomfort after scaling. This dental health expert runs the best dental clinic in Patna which is already established in the city.
At Dr. Aishwarya’s dental clinic, you get a calm and comfortable environment along with compassionate care. She will diagnose your issue thoroughly and then provide you with a suitable cure.
Additionally, at her clinic, you will also get top-quality dental scaling treatment that is free of complications like sensitivity and toothache. So, wait no more and get in touch with Dr. Aishwarya for safe and effective dental scaling treatment.
Get Painless Scaling and a Dazzling Smile
Sensitivity after scaling is often quite common. In fact, many people claim to experience sensitivity after dental scaling procedures. This is why, in this blog, we have given you some tips on how to reduce teeth sensitivity after scaling.
All of them are helpful and effective in dealing with sensitivity, toothache, and other minor dental problems. Remember that sensitivity after scaling is common, but it doesn’t have to be a constant problem.
You can have painless scaling procedures if you come to Dr. Aishwarya’s dental clinic. She is a highly skilled dental professional who aims to provide her patients with personalised treatment.
Patnaites love to visit her clinic because of the warm and welcoming environment. This dental expert follows strict hygiene practices and provides safe dental treatments that are free of complications. She is usually overbooked because of her popularity in the town.
So, hurry and book an appointment with the best dentist in Patna, Dr. Aishwarya, to get comprehensive care during and after scaling procedures.