Teeth Cleaning Cost in Patna & Price Chart | 8 Key Factors

teeth cleaning cost in Patna

Professional teeth cleaning is the only way to lasting oral hygiene because brushing your teeth everyday is not enough. Regular brushing and flossing are indeed helpful, but achieving an attractive smile that can turn heads needs professional help.

Many folks are unaware of this fact and those who know often choose to avoid it. This is because there’s a misconception that professional teeth cleaning is an expensive treatment, but reality is something else.

As the top dentist in Patna, Dr. Aishwarya makes sure to charge the patients a reasonable amount. She doesn’t believe in burdening her patients with unnecessary fees in the name of quality treatment.

However, there’s no denying that some dentists and clinics charge unnecessary fees, and that’s why it’s crucial to be aware of the right teeth cleaning cost in Patna.


Teeth Cleaning Cost in Patna

Teeth cleaning is important for removing accumulated bacteria, plaque, and tartar so that one can be free of severe dental diseases. It’s one of the most affordable dental treatments with multiple benefits.

However, the exact price of teeth cleaning in Patna often varies depending on multiple factors. The type of dental cleaning procedure you opt for is one of the most common factors that influence the teeth cleaning price in Patna. These are the four types of teeth cleaning treatments in Patna with their estimated (approximate) costs:

  1. Prophylaxis Dental Cleaning – (INR) 800 – 2000 
  2. Scaling and Root Planing Cleaning – (INR) 2000 – 4500 
  3. Periodontal Maintenance – (INR) 1500 – 3000 
  4. Gross Debridement – (INR) 1700 – 3000 

Apart from the procedure, the clinic’s type is also responsible for the varying teeth cleaning price. High-end dental centres often charge higher prices than local clinics because they have advanced technology and equipment.

Besides, unlike local clinics, they don’t hire inexperienced interns and rely mostly on expert dentists. Right below are some more factors that cause variations in the teeth cleaning cost in India in Rupees. Knowing them will help you manage your finances well.


8 Factors That Affect the Teeth Cleaning Cost in Patna 

Initially, you might think that the dentist’s qualifications, experience, and know-how is affecting your final bill. However, there’s much more to the equation than might seem at first.

teeth cleaning price

Here’s an overview of all the factors that affect the final teeth cleaning cost in Patna:

  1. Location of the clinic
  2. Additional charges for complementary treatments
  3. Facilities available at the clinic
  4. Patient’s current oral health status
  5. Follow-up charges
  6. Package deals
  7. Consultation charges
  8. The need for emergency services

All these factors will have a varying influence, depending on the clinic where you are getting treated. So, let’s have a detailed discussion of all these teeth cleaning pricing aspects and find out how they affect the cost of teeth cleaning in Patna and other cities of India.

Some of these points will also incentivize you to enquire at your dentist about any additional charges or possible discounts on the final bill.

1. Clinic’s Location

Clinics that are situated in posh areas generally charge a premium price because of multiple reasons. They have higher operational costs that include the clinic’s rent and overheads for high-end equipment for high-class customer demand.

Whereas, a clinic in a downscale area has a very low operational cost that reflects on their teeth cleaning charges. Additionally, the purchasing power of the patients also differs according to the location. This also influences the price of dental treatments.

2. Additional Treatments

Additional treatments are another factor that makes it difficult to assess how much cleaning of teeth cost. Many patients require additional dental treatments, such as fluoride treatment or sealants.

Often x-rays and examinations are also needed during the procedure to deliver better results. These extra procedure prices add up in the overall cost of teeth cleaning treatment.

3. Clinic Amenities

Higher-end clinics have high-class patients who demand comfort and luxury more than affordability. This is why those clinics elevate their amenities, which influences teeth cleaning costs in Patna and other cities of India.

These clinics provide private treatment rooms, waiting areas, complimentary refreshments, and entertainment like TVs and music. Along with that, these types of clinics also provide their patients with personalized treatment for safe and fast results.

4. Patient’s Oral Health and History

Teeth cleaning is a procedure to remove plaque and tartar. Thus, a patients’ oral health and history play a huge role during the procedure. Those who suffer from severe accumulation of plaque and tartar will need extra care.

Dentists have to work much harder and give more time to them, in comparison to other patients. This extra time and energy of the dentist will reflect on the cost of teeth cleaning treatment.

5. Follow-Up Care

Generally, a teeth cleaning procedure is completed in a single appointment. However, in some cases, dental cleaning reveals underlying issues, such as gum disease, then follow-up care is crucial.

This extends the treatment plan which influences the cost. The number of visits to the dentist for follow-up care will be directly proportional to the cost of the treatment.

6. Packages and Deals 

To know exactly what is the cost of a teeth cleaning, one must do some research. This is because they may get lucky and find a clinic that provides packages and deals. These can significantly affect the price of the treatment, making them affordable.

Many clinics provide bundle services at much cheaper rates than the actual price or some give discounts to new patients for special occasions like Navratri.

7. Patient Education and Consultation 

Some dental clinics give in-depth patient consultation services as part of the treatment. It helps to clear all the confusion of the patients before the treatment.

However, this extra effort invested in patients’ education and consultation increases the prices. Patients accept the hike in prices because it also involves creating a customised oral care plan.

8. Emergency Cleaning 

A large number of people avoid professional treatment and try doing teeth cleaning at home with kits and random products. However, irregular teeth cleaning leads to the accumulation of plaque and tartar, which results in severe cavities.

People with severe cavities can experience abscessed tooth that needs urgent teeth cleaning services. This emergency teeth cleaning may be performed outside of regular business hours and has a higher fee than the normal treatment.

So, these were all the possible factors that affect the teeth cleaning cost in Patna. If you are thinking of getting treatment outside of Patna for cheaper and more effective prices, first look at the comparison chart of different cities In India.


Teeth Cleaning Price Comparison of Cities in India

Patna is home to world-class dental clinics that provide top-quality teeth cleaning treatments. However, to know whether the treatment here is cheaper than any other major cities or not, we need to do a quick cost comparison:


Local Clinics (INR) 


High-end Dental Centers (INR)



500 – 1,200

1,200 – 3,000


800 – 2,000

2,500 – 6,000


500 – 1,500

1,500 – 6,000


1,500 – 3,000

2,400 – 4,000


500 – 1500

2,000 – 3,000


300 – 1,300

2,000 – 6,500

Pune 800 -1,500

2,000 – 4,000

Note: Remember that all these numbers are estimated prices. The actual cost may be different.

This cost comparison clearly shows that teeth cleaning costs in Patna are more affordable than in other major cities. It will, in fact, come out much cheaper if we add on the cost of travelling and staying in other cities.


5 Tips for Affordable Dental Cleaning in Patna 

After going through the price comparison and the influencing factors, we believe you must have a fair idea about the charges you can expect.

Moreover, you’ll find the following tips useful to save more and have an informed discussion with your dentist about the charges. So, here are some tips to get budget-friendly dental cleaning in the city.

1. Government Assistance Programs

One can get subsidised dental care through the help of government assistance programs. Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana is one such government assistance program that helps needy eligible families to get basic health care services.

While dental treatments are not covered under this scheme, you can look for other such Government-funded assistance programs in your area.

2. Emergency Fund for Dental Expenses

In our busy lifestyle, we often forget to take care of oral health. This makes dental issues unavoidable, and we should prepare an emergency fund for it.

Saving money beforehand can be a great help in the case of a dental emergency and will lessen the burden of treatment charges.

3. Visit Dental Schools

Search for “Teeth cleaning near me” on your device and look for dental schools. This is because some dental schools provide dental treatment at a cheaper cost to get patients for budding dentists. The procedure is done under the supervision of an experienced professional, so there’s no need to worry.

However, many patients feel more relaxed getting treated by experienced hands. So, that’s something you must consider when choosing between a dental school and a seasoned dentist at a quality clinic.

4. Community Health Clinics

Some local health clinics have departments that focus on dealing with the oral needs of the community at large. They provide oral care to the needy through their community outreach program. You can contact a community health clinic to inquire about their services.

5. Prevention

The best way to save money on dental treatments is to not need them in the first place. One should try to prevent issues and emergency dental situations that need prolonged care and treatment.

Brush and floss daily and go for dental checkups twice a year to prevent dental problems. Also, choose the right toothpaste and toothbrush to maintain oral hygiene and avoid dental issues.

Additionally, ask your dentist about the alternative treatments as that may be the affordable option you are looking for.



Following are some of the common queries patients ask before getting a teeth cleaning treatment. Do go through these questions so that you are informed when you walk into the clinic for your treatment.

1. Can I clean my teeth at home?

Yes, you can do a basic teeth cleaning at home if you know the art of being consistent. Brush and floss twice a day daily.

However, if you have severe cavities and plaque accumulation, then opt for a professional dental cleaning and don’t attempt to clean it at home.

2. Why is teeth cleaning expensive sometimes?

Many factors influence the prices of teeth cleaning but the type of treatment, dentist expertise, and the cost of additional treatments are the most common ones that make the treatment expensive for some patients.

3. How many hours is teeth cleaning?

Normally, it takes half an hour for the procedure to be done. But in some rare cases and severe tartar build-up, the procedure may last up to an hour or even 90 minutes.

4. How many teeth cleanings are required in a year?

One must go for teeth cleaning at least twice a year to be on the safe side, even if he or she is following a strict oral care routine.


Take the First Step to a Radiant Smile with a Teeth Cleaning Appointment!

Knowing exactly how much does cleaning of teeth cost in Patna is not easy as the price varies according to many factors, such as the type of teeth cleaning treatment. In this blog, we have discussed all the possible factors that influence the teeth cleaning cost in Patna. Knowing them will help you make the right decision about your finances and dental health.

Choosing the right dentist is also crucial for dental health. Dr. Aishwarya is one such dental expert in Patna who has helped numerous patients with multispeciality services for the best dental checkup in Patna. Her expertise in teeth cleaning and scaling is unmatchable. She holds a rich experience of over 10 years, making her an experienced dental professional in Patna.

Dr. Aishwarya ensures each of her patients gets safe and effective treatment. This is the reason why she is one of the most sought after dentists in the local area. So, hurry up and book an appointment with Dr. Aishwarya Roy, the best dentist in Patna.

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