Surrounding Teeth Hurt After Tooth Extraction: Causes & Complications

surrounding teeth hurt after tooth extraction

Don’t worry if your surrounding teeth hurt after tooth extraction. Dental extraction is the procedure when a dentist pulls out a tooth, and it’s usually hard on the oral cavity. It might even be traumatic for the jaw, gums, and surrounding teeth. To reduce the effects of this trauma, experienced dental expert Dr. Aishwarya uses anesthesia.

It makes the process pretty soothing for the patients, but the pain starts emerging in surrounding teeth once it wears off. However, why does it happen and what effects does dental extraction have on teeth that lead to this discomfort? We will learn more about it in this blog.


Surrounding Teeth Hurt After Tooth Extraction | 5 Common Causes

Tooth extraction is necessary in some conditions, and other teeth can hurt after tooth extraction due to multiple reasons, such as:

  1. Nerve irritation
  2. Natural healing time after extraction
  3. Torn gums
  4. Misalignment
  5. Bite issues

Most commonly, extraction gives rise to dental discomfort due to the natural healing process that’s required after the tooth has been extracted.

Some other reasons for pain in surrounding teeth can be the usual irritation that’s caused due to tearing in the soft gum tissues.

Right below Dr. Aishwarya, one of the best dentists for tooth extraction in Patna, shares some more insights about what could be the common causes behind surrounding teeth aches after tooth extraction is done.

1. Nerve Irritation 

Surgical mistakes are one of the common reasons that give rise to pain after extraction. Pain can occur in the surrounding teeth if a dentist directly damages or injures a nerve.

Tooth extraction involves sharp and pointy tools that sometimes affect the nerve. This gives rise to inflammation and swelling in the other adjacent teeth and causes pain and discomfort.

2. Natural Healing Process

Most of the time it is normal for surrounding teeth to hurt after an extraction. It’s part of the healing process of the surrounding tissues.

Extraction of teeth involves an increase in blood flow in the affected and surrounding area that gives rise to swelling and inflammation. It will stay for at least 3 days and then decrease gradually. In 6 to 7 days, the pain and discomfort will completely vanish if the reason for the pain is the usual healing time.

3. Torn Gums 

Traditional dental extraction is an invasive procedure. The dentist makes a large incision in the gums to pull out the affected tooth. During this procedure, the gums can tear, which may lead to pain. However, if the tear is minor, it can heal on its own and the pain may vanish as well.

On the other hand, patients with major tears should consult a dentist ASAP as they will not heal on their own, and they need professional care.

4. Misalignment

Misalignment is one of the main reasons why dentists try to save natural teeth and emphasize on the importance of regular dental check-ups to avoid extraction. When a tooth is removed, it creates a space that allows the other neighbouring teeth to shift and fill the gap. This leads to misalignment that creates discomfort like mild pain and or even sensitivity.

The adjacent teeth shift to fill the gap to maintain the natural functioning of teeth, and it is one of the reasons why adjacent teeth hurt after tooth extraction.

5. Unbalanced Bite

As already mentioned, teeth shift to vacant places due to misalignment to fill the gap and improve the functioning of the mouth. This means that our teeth love to work together in harmony.

Disturbing this harmony leads to bite issues where the upper and lower arch don’t meet properly. It alters the bite forces that create discomfort in the neighbouring teeth.

So, these are the reasons why your surrounding teeth hurt after tooth extraction. However, apart from the straightforward explanations, there’s more, and you might be experiencing pain due to certain dental problems that need immediate medical attention.


3 Possible Complications When Surrounding Teeth Hurt After Tooth Extraction

adjacent teeth hurt after tooth extraction

Now we know surrounding teeth hurt after extraction and what are the reasons behind it. Some complications lead to this issue too that one should be aware of:

1. Dry Socket 

It is one of the rarest dental complications, but the most painful one. It occurs because of the poor formation of blood clots in the tooth socket.

Due to this, the nerves and the bones of the extracted teeth get exposed to the environment which leads to pain. The discomfort also spreads to other teeth and the tooth next to extraction hurts when tapped.

2. Infection

Many people have throbbing pain after tooth extraction, but not dry sockets, because they suffer from an infection.

If the surrounding area of the socket is not cleaned after the extraction, the left-out bacteria or debris can infect other teeth. To address this issue, dentists prescribe antibiotics.

3. Occlusal Trauma

Teeth extraction changes the dental arch structure of the patients. This leads to occlusal trauma. It’s a condition that occurs when excessive force is applied to the teeth and causes damage.

This damage gives rise to pain and discomfort. After the tooth extraction, the neighbouring teeth have to bear unnecessary pressure resulting in this condition.

Apart from these, teeth grinding can also make the surrounding teeth hurt after tooth extraction. Most of the time, this pain is not concerning but one should be aware of the symptoms to know when to call a doctor.


How Long Do Surrounding Teeth Hurt After Tooth Extraction?

Pain in surrounding teeth after the extraction is common. But to know exactly how long it will stay is pretty difficult. This is because it varies according to the patient’s oral health and the severity of the condition.

In some people, it stays for 3 days, and in some, the pain may last even a week. On average, a week is more than enough for the pain to subside, and if it lasts more than that, one should definitely not delay their appointment with a dentist in order to address any major complications.

While minor discomfort is common after extraction, there shouldn’t be alarming pain and bleeding from the extraction spot days after the procedure.


Differentiate Between Normal and Concerning Symptoms

Pain, swelling, and discomfort are normal after an extraction, typically for 2 or 3 days. That’s why it’s easy to differentiate between normal and concerning symptoms.

Those symptoms that are still there after 3 days of the extraction should be taken seriously if the discomfort gets worse with each passing day as it can be a sign of dental extraction complications.

If the pain is persistent and unbearable, it may also be an indication of a serious underlying issue. Do not overlook the pain if there’s excessive bleeding, swelling, and difficulty in opening the mouth.


Pain Management and Remedies After Tooth Extraction

“All my other teeth hurt after tooth extraction, what to do?” Patients with such a problem should consult a dentist when the pain persists, but we know getting an immediate appointment may not be possible every time. That’s when you can rely on some pain management techniques until your dentist’s appointment:

  1. Use over-the-counter pain relievers
  2. Rinse with salt water
  3. Apply a cold compress
  4. Eat soft foods
  5. Brush regularly with caution. Keep your teeth clean.

Along with that, also follow your dentist’s aftercare tips and advice religiously.


When to Consult a Dentist?

Relax if your surrounding teeth hurt after tooth extraction because it’s normal. In this blog, we have discussed some of the common reasons behind it. The pain will usually subside on its own if there are no major teeth complications.

However, if it stays longer than a week with severe pain, swelling, or bleeding, you must consult the best dentist in Patna. Don’t overlook complications that create discomfort, such as persistent pain, bleeding, nausea, or breathing difficulties.

Getting in touch with the dental expert Dr. Aishwarya will help to prevent future oral health hazards. She runs the best dental clinic in Patna that has state-of-the-art facilities and a super welcoming environment.

Dr. Aishwarya is pretty popular among Patna locals due to her individualized approach and multispeciality dental care services. So, hurry and book an online appointment with her or visit the clinic for an immediate dental check-up.



Go through the following commonly asked questions that address the queries patients usually have regarding pain after tooth extraction.

1. How do I know if my tooth extraction is healing properly?

Your tooth extraction is healing properly if the pain, swelling, and discomfort are decreasing with each passing day.

2. How do you know if something is wrong after tooth extraction?

To know whether something is wrong after tooth extraction or not, one must look for symptoms like unbearable pain, excessive bleeding, persistent swelling, breathing, or difficulty in opening the mouth.

3. How long does it take for a tooth extraction hole to close?

If a patient has a simple extraction, the hole will close in about 5 to 7 days. In contrast, the hole from a surgical extraction will take at least 6 months to close.

4. Is it normal for other teeth to feel loose after tooth extraction?

Yes, it’s normal for other teeth to feel loose after extraction because the area around the teeth swells and slightly loses the neighbouring teeth. Additionally, bone deterioration and tooth shifting are other reasons for it.

If you or your loved ones are planning to get a tooth extraction, consider consulting an experienced and popular dentist who is available at an accessible location.

Dr. Aishwarya runs her clinic in the bustling area of Boring-Patliputra road, opposite CISF in Patna, Bihar and has over a decade of professional experience in treating a long line of satisfied patients. Visit her clinic for a dental check-up in Patna if you think you need a tooth extracted.

Whether it’s the tooth extraction procedure or the aftercare of complex dental cases, Dr. Aishwarya is equipped with the know-how to help you heal without any problems.

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