Do Root Canal Teeth Fall Out & Factors That Affect How Long It Last?

do root canal teeth fall out

A root canal is a dental procedure that is feared the most. People often have doubts over getting the treatment done, thinking of the pain it might cause. However, it still remains one of the most common dental procedures that help patients get rid of their miseries and avoid bigger dental problems down the line.

RCT removes the infected pulp from the teeth, resulting from severe cavities or cracks. It heals diseased teeth and saves millions of them every year. In fact, teeth without root canal treatment are more in danger of tooth loss than the teeth that are treated with RCT.

But what about the pain that comes with it? While it can be a painful procedure, you don’t need to worry much when getting treated by Dr. Aishwarya. This world-class dental expert ensures a painless RCT through the effective use of anesthesia.

Now that we have addressed the issue of pain, another reason why people hesitate to opt for this treatment is weakening and falling out of the tooth.

So, do root canal teeth fall out?

Yes, there’s a chance of the tooth falling out after the procedure. But does that mean one should avoid root canal treatment? Read this blog carefully to know the answer.


Do Root Canal Teeth Fall Out?

Yes, the root canal tooth may fall out after the treatment. This statement may have made many folks wonder “What happens if my root canal tooth falls out”. If you are also one of them, just relax.

RCT patients don’t need to worry about it that much because it’s pretty rare. It happens when the dentist is not able to clean the infection completely, provide inadequate sealing, or makes another surgical mistake.

This is why it’s crucial to choose a reliable dental expert for RCT. If you reside in Patna, then contact Dr. Aishwarya to perform the procedure. She holds extensive experience in this field and is renowned in the city for offering personalized care to her patients, making her one of the best options for root canal treatment in Patna.

Choosing her as your RCT dentist will reduce the chances of tooth fallout. Not only that, but the treatment will also last for more than 10 years, which is more than its usual lifespan.

So, can a tooth with a root canal fall out? The answer is yes, if you have not chosen an expert dentist who knows how to eliminate the infection and reduce the risk of tooth loss.

There’s no fear of tooth loss when the dentist properly cleans the infection and places the cap to protect the filling. Additionally, being aware of the factors affecting the durability of root canal treatment will also reduce the chances of tooth fallout.


7 Factors That Affect How Long Root Canal Teeth Last

In the previous section, we got to know that a tooth with a root canal can fall out, and there are numerous reasons behind it. Now, we are going to deal with all such possible reasons or factors affecting the durability of root canal teeth:

1. Quality of the Initial Treatment

We know that surgical mistakes are one of the common reasons behind the failure of RCT. The quality of treatment and skills of the dentist highly influence the outcome of a procedure.

But remember that early treatments are far better than delayed ones. Even a quality treatment in the last stage will not be as effective as the treatment of the initial stages.

Those teeth that are operated during the early stages of the disease have a higher success rate.

2. Quality of the Restoration

After cleaning the infected pulp, the dentist then seals the root canal with biocompatible material.

However, in some rare cases, the sealing is not done adequately, and this may be the reason why a root canal tooth fall out.

Additionally, not placing an appropriate final dental restoration after a root canal will also result in the same. This is because without a crown the oral fluid mixed with bacteria can leak into the RCT. It will reinfect the pulp, which may lead to tooth’s fallout.

3. Oral Hygiene

Surgical mistakes are not the only thing to blame for the failure of RCT. Patient’s oral hygiene is also one of the common factors that affects the success of this procedure.

Poor oral health gives rise to bacteria that slowly increase and may infect the teeth again. This is why root canal teeth eventually fall out in patients who do not follow a proper oral hygiene routine.

So, brush and floss daily, and go for regular dental checkups.

4. Avoid Certain Habits

Patients’ daily habits play a huge role in deciding whether root canal teeth fall out or stay in place.

One needs to change their eating habits if they are fond of consuming hard, sticky, or sugary foods. These types of foods get stuck in the teeth and give rise to bacteria, which affects the RCT.

Additionally, brushing your teeth aggressively is also not advisable as it can damage the filling.

Sometimes, the root canal filling fell out with no pain because of the hard brushing. Run to the dentist immediately if this ever happens.

5. Recurrent Infection Or Abscess

An abscess is a pocket of pus that is a result of infection in the mouth. After the root canal procedure, the abscess slowly goes away on its own.

However, it can also come back if the teeth are infected again. It will affect the durability of the root canal and may cause teeth fallout.

That’s why patients should do all the possible things to prevent infection in their teeth.

6. Vertical Root Fracture

There’s no doubt that a root canal treatment is a beneficial procedure for saving your tooth. However, it can’t make the teeth as strong as they were before the treatment.

Because of the drilling, this treatment sometimes leaves the tooth in a weak condition. A weak tooth is prone to injuries like vertical root fractures. It starts from the root and goes to the top of the teeth. This fracture leads to infection that affects the durability of the RCT.

So, if you see somebody complaining, “My root canal tooth fell out”, don’t be surprised. This is because issues like vertical root fractures go unnoticed and suddenly lead to something serious.

7. Periodontal Disease

Infection can recur even after the tooth canal root treatment because of periodontal disease.

Gingivitis is one such disease that leads to tooth infection. Untreated gum diseases like this worsen the existing infection, which can even spread to the tooth’s root.

This will affect RCT and may play a huge role in the teeth’s eventual fallout. So, don’t try to cut corners when you notice bleeding gums, and get in touch with a dentist ASAP.

So, these were the factors that affect the durability of root canal treatment. We believe now you know how and why root canal teeth fall out after the treatment.



Go through the following queries if you or someone you care for is going to have an RCT appointment with their dentist.

1. How long after a root canal does the tooth fall out?

There is no actual time frame for that. Poor quality of RCT treatment may cause teeth to fall after a year or two. Remember that it will not happen immediately after the procedure.

2. Do teeth get loose after a root canal?

Yes, one may feel the teeth to be slightly loose after the procedure because of the sensitivity in the nerve. Most of the time it’s not a point of concern, but if it’s persistent then you may need to contact your dentist.

3. Does a root canal keep a tooth alive?

Yes, the root canal treatment keeps the tooth alive even after removing some nerves from the inside.


Don’t Let Tooth Pain Hold You Back! Schedule RCT Today!

Going through this blog, we got to know that root canal teeth do fall out after the treatment. However, the chances of it happening are pretty rare. This type of thing generally happens due to surgical mistakes.

That’s why one should be very cautious when choosing a dental expert for RCT treatment.

In Patna, Dr. Aishwarya is one such dentist who is known for her dental skills and expertise. She has helped many of her patients with root canal procedures.

People who have got RCT treatment from Dr. Aishwarya review her as the top dental expert in Patna for root canals.

So, just say goodbye to dental anxiety and pain and book an appointment with Dr. Aishwarya to get an experienced dentist for your root canal treatment.

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